Sunday, September 22, 2013

Best. Chicken. Ever.

You know those recipes where you are in the kitchen all day stressing out over tiny little things that don't seem to matter until the end where you taste your dish and it all becomes worth it? Well this isn't one of those dishes! This dish is pretty simple to make and it tastes like you've been slaving away all day! The awesome thing about this dish is that it's delicious and it's also unique. Fruit is not often thought to be used with meat but start using it because it is a revolution! They key ingredient in this dish is apples. Yes, apples.

Best Roast Chicken Ever

First things first, you have to brine the chicken. Get a big bucket that will fit the chicken with a little extra room and then add salt water - 1/4 cup pickling salt to 1 litre of water. Depending on the size of the chicken you will likely need more than one litre of water. Brine for about 4 hours.

7/8 lb Chicken
2 Apples
2 Onions
2 Cloves of garlic
1 Tall can (473 ml) of hard apple cider (cheap substitute - beer and apple juice)
A couple leaves of sage

After the chicken has brined put it in a roasting pan. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees then cut the apples and onions in quarters or sixths depending on the size. Take 4 apple and 4 onion chunks and set them in the pan then stuff the rest in the chicken. Now slice the garlic lengthwise and cut 3 slits in the chicken going down the breast and one slit in each leg and stuff the garlic slivers into the slits. Then stuff some of the remaining garlic in the pan and some in the chicken. Next pour the can of cider onto the chicken (If you want a cheap alternative pour some cheap beer and apple juice on instead) and then chop up the sage and sprinkle it all over. You can also crack some pepper on top but don't bother with salt because the chicken was already soaked in salt!

Put the chicken in the oven and let it roast for about an hour and a half or until it is tender but not pink - the way chicken should be cooked, obviously you don't want undercooked chicken. Once it has cooked through let it sit out for 5-10 minutes. Carve it up, serve, and enjoy!

or if you want just attack it with your bare hands - caveman style!

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